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Emergency services rush to 89-year-old Brigette Bardot’s aid… prayers needed

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Emergency services were called to assist 89-year-old Brigitte Bardot, a renowned figure known for her career as a model and actress in the 1950s. Bardot, who now resides in the South of France, has transitioned her focus to activism, particularly in the field of animal protection and welfare. However, she has faced criticism for making racist and homophobic remarks in her autobiography.

According to Bardot’s husband, Bernard d’Ormale, she experienced difficulty breathing in the morning, which prompted the call for emergency services. D’Ormale clarified that Bardot did not lose consciousness but had a momentary respiratory issue. Firefighters arrived at the correct address after a slight delay and provided Bardot with oxygen. D’Ormale attributed her breathing difficulties to the heat, stating that she, like many individuals of her age, struggles with high temperatures. While her pulse, heart, and blood pressure were reported to be stable, her condition remains delicate.

Bardot had previously expressed dissatisfaction with the air conditioning in their home, as it was not sufficiently cooling. Fortunately, she is now reported to be in a stable condition.

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